A Dip into the Depths of Craniosacral

I had the pleasure of spending last weekend in a long-awaited Craniosacral (CST) continuing education workshop, put off for many months by the pandemic, and I got to learn some incredible tools that I’m very excited to bring into my practice. The work we did over the weekend was deeply profound, and left me reflecting on a few other deep places this work has taken me in just the past few months. I thought I’d share some of them here.

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How To Be Kind To Your Neck

A recent conversation with a client:

Me: Try letting your shoulders turn with your head and see how that feels.
Client: Wait... is that an okay thing to do? I thought I needed to turn my head by itself for some reason...
Me: It's absolutely an okay thing to do.

Pop quiz: If you think about your neck and the rest of your spine, do you think of them as A) discrete sections of your body, or B) both as part of your spine?

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Who I Work With

Whenever someone asks me what I do for work, and we get into the conversation of "what is Feldenkrais?", I get asked what sorts of people or situations I work with. I try to explain that I work with a very wide variety of people, but it's not always clear just how wide that spectrum is. So, here are some examples. This is not a complete list.

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