Finding Comfort at Your Computer

Whether you work on a computer all day or you’re just on it for an hour or two sometimes, finding a set up that keeps you comfortable is so important and can feel so elusive. When you’re thinking about desk ergonomics, it’s really important to remember that computers (and especially laptops) were not designed with human bodies in mind. We have to intentionally set up our desks to accommodate ourselves, not the computer. Let’s start from the floor and work our way up.

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Can I Shift My Weight to the Left? I Don't Know...

We all have habits in everything we do. They’re an essential part of being human. They allow our brains to not think through every single thing we do all day long. They’re a survival mechanism. However, it’s important to question them now and then to make sure they’re serving us well, and get curious about how we might change them if they aren’t.

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The Trouble with Chin Tucking

You’ve probably heard that a solution to “computer neck” or “phone neck” is to tuck your chin. It’s taught regularly as a back of the neck stretch by physical therapists and chiropractors. However, it often gets so strongly encouraged that some people end up constantly having their chin tucked which causes a huge number of problems.

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Balancing Your Breath

A few years ago, I wrote The Trouble with Belly Breathing which took off in readership over the past year and a half. I’ve gotten requests to write a follow-up article on ways to use more of your lung capacity, so here we are! If you have a hard time breathing into your chest, sides, or back, whether from long COVID, anxiety, or something else, this is for you.

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Quarantine and Kindness

I spent Friday evening in a Feldenkrais workshop on presence - presence with yourself, presence with others, and being present with both at the same time while keeping boundaries clear. The original plan was for a full weekend workshop, but obviously that didn’t happen, so the trainer, Donna Blank, offered a short online version. In the beginning of Donna’s work, she asks you to close your eyes, feel your contact and support from your chair and the floor, and look for a “felt sense” of the experience of just being there - sensory cues that tell you how you are rather than thoughts or emotions. It turns out, for me, that this is a very scary thing to do while dealing with quarantine.

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